• Honey Lotus Sistahood

    The Path of the Divine Love Devotee


    Now accepting applications for our 2nd year long hybrid Ashram experience.

    2024(=8) is a special year for Leveling up, a Boss Lady year!

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    Apply at the bottom of the page

    Now accepting applications for our 2nd year long hybrid Ashram experience.

    2024(=8) is a special year for Leveling up, a Boss Lady year!

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  • Have you always felt deeply that you were meant to be something more?

    Do you strongly resonate with Sacred practices and Spirituality from various Indigenous traditions?

    Do you prefer Monastery and Temple type Living as in Prayer, Meditation and Study but you also resonate with being a Juicy Goddess? If so then you might be a Golden Lotus Sistah!

    This process involves:


    AWAKENING: AWARENESS AND Reclamation for Indigenous Wombmen








  • This is an Osun, Ganesha and Kundalini Shakti-centric path

    Your Experience begins on the weekend of the first New Moon of the year, Friday, January 12th. We will gather together with an Initial Introductory Love Goddess Activation to connect and lay the foundation for the year.

    We will meet every New and Full Moon thereafter as well as on some Equinoxes and Soulstices either in person or virtually.

    This Immersion is available in person as well as online.

    Hybrid Program.

    Your full commitment and devotion is required.

    Initiation and Immersion.

    5-7 Womben will be accepted.

    For the sake of intimacy

    Bkakti and Kundalini Yoga Philosophy & Love Technology

    The Love Goddess and Kundalini Shakti energies as present in and seen to be the highest attainments in all Indigenous Spirituality. The lightening path. The world of Loving, Reclamation, YOGA, Prana (Ase') and Kundalini as a framework for awakening and sharing Universal Principles.

    Inner Love Yogini ...More than a Life Coach or Love Coach

    The path of Love, Ascension, Service... a Priestly Sistahood.

    NatiVedic Principles

    Indigenous Shamananess Wisdom as seen throughout all parts of the world.

    Investment for the Year $2500

    Sliding Fee as low as $1500 with monthy and quarterly pay as you go options. Mini Scholarships are available.

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    Education & Training, Mentorship, Sistahood & Support


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    Meditation, Self Study and Self Mastery

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    Study and Constructive Solitude


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    Love Goddess Training

    Exploring & Softening into your Divine Feminine & Inner Love Goddess nature The Power and Grace that is your indestructible true Self. Shakti and Kundalini.

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    Inner Love Devotion

    Osun Bhakti Kundalini Philosophy FemBodyBliss Sacred Movement

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    Travel to Sacred sites, Retreat & Bonding

    Sedona, Grand Canyon and More! Depending on individual and group availability.

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    Healing & Ritual

    You will experience and learn how to facilitate Healing Ritual.

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    Immersion, Initiation

    This is a deepening experience. You will be connected with your guardian deity who will guide you on your path of Love Goddess Yogini Preisthood.

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    Lunar Living

    Living in Harmony with Nature and the Galactic tides.

  • Apply for the 2024 Ashram

    Thank you so much for your interest.

    Please fill out the fields below.

    You will hear back from Iya if you are accepted into this year's Ashram. Otherwise your name may stay in a pool for consideration for next year's.

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    I would love to enroll in the Golden Lotus Self Mastery and Inner Love Leadership Program!

    Secure your Spot! Start with a $250 deposit: via Zelle, Cash App or Venmo Please include your email address with your payment!

    Pay Schedule:

    $250 due now! to secure your space

    January 5th $200

    Febuary 5th $200

    March 5th $200

    April 20th $200

    May 5th $200

    June 20th $200

    July 5th $200

    August 20th $200

    September 5th $200

    September 20th $200

    October 5th $250


    Cash App: @honeypriestess

    Venmo: @honeypriestess

    Zelle: GoddessLoveTemple@icloud.com