- Yellow Lotus Wisdom School
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- Yellow Lotus Wisdom School

- Yellow Lotus Wisdom School
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- Yellow Lotus Wisdom School

Mermaid Home Sea Bathing Ritual
I recommend gifting your mind, body, heart and Soul with a Sea Bath on both the New and Full Moons and the Equinoxes.
This Luxurious, Purifying and Rejuvenation practice (along with other MahaliyaDara lifestyle practices) will have your Mind and Body Sweet, Calm and Beautiful.
For the Fall Equinox: Today is the day of equal day and equal night. Balance. One of the Four Corners of the year. A Seasonal shift. The ideal moment to cleanse and detox and purify as we begin to head into the Womb of the year. The time when the Sun is furthest away and the days are shortest. A still point. The beginning of the descent and the turning inward. As we move into the Sign of Libra, the sign of Harmony and Balance, Beauty and Grace. It’s all connected!
1.) Epsom & Blackrock salt
2.) Aztec Healing Clay
3.) Loofah sponge
4.) Black Soap
5.) Essential Oil
6.) Pumice
7.) Candle
8.) Timer
9.) Hat/ Headwrap
10.) Socks
11.) Warm Oil Moon Butter (Available for Sale and you can add Sesame oil warmed to a boil the first time you use it then cooled down, or Olive oil )
12.) Sea Water or Alkaline Water
13.) Crystals related to the current energy
14.) Journal
15.) a Lighter
16.) Palo Santo
Thoroughly Clean and Purify the space.
You want Ritual surfaces to be as free of debris and old energy as possible so as to only be interacting with that which is included in the ritual. Use Palo Santo to clear. Set an intention and ask that the Spirit of your choosing (or Divinity correlate of the Full or New Moon's sign) correlate be with you and lend their Protection, Guidance and Wisdom. Draw a Very Hot Bath and add in your Salts, Oils etc. (not the black soap) Keep the door closed to keep the steam in.
Gather your supplies
So that you won't have to searching for things when you need them. Take your Oil to be warmed. You can either put it directly in a pot or do a double boiler set up whereby you would place it in a glass jar and then inside of a pot of water and heat.
Perform Abhyanga
This is a practice from The Ancient Ayurvedic Healing System and an important component to the Mahaliyadara system as well. Just rub the warm oil all over your body concentrating on the scalp and the Womb. Thank your body temple as you spend this precious time and attention to her. Men can and should do this practice as well. Don't leave out your Yoni (or Lingum) and Anus. Relax with the oil on you in the steamy bathroom with the door closed for at least 15 minutes. Turn off the lights and do this by candlelight.
Dolphin Dip
Place your crystals around the sides of the tub. Be intuitive about their placement. Set your timer for 1 hour. No music. Relax in your Glorious Sea Bath. Be sure to place your whole head and face into the bath. You want EVERY part of you to experience this Healing Infusion.
Primal Heart Submersion
At some point, blow the candle out. While on your back, place yourself in the water up to your ears. Relax. Listen inward at your Own Heartbeat. You may have NEVER heard it before. Just lie there. Your mind is going to want to distract you. Just look at what it shows you and let those things drift by. Tell your mind, "You're ok, I know this is different" Just listen to your heartbeat and "be"
WombSoul Regression
When you're ready picture yourself in your Mother's Womb. Warm comfy. Listening. Then regress back through the stages of development as far as you can go. Fetus, Zygote, Ovum, Sperm, Essence, Energy, Consciousness. Can you feel the MORE that YOU ARE? Just enjoy this EXPANDED self.
The Luxuriating Mermaid
Remain submerged in your Healing Sea Bath for the entire hour. After your WombSoul Regression, begin your exfoliation. All over your body with your loofah and on your feet with the pumice. Rinse the water through your nasal passages as well. Once the timer goes off, drain the tub stand up and begin to wash your body with the Black Soap. Finish with a Warm shower which closes with a flash of water as cold as you can take it. Dry off.
Bliss, the Hawk and the Dream Catcher
Cover your head and feet. Relax, Bask in the Glow and Journal over Sipping some healing Herbal Tea. Imagine a scene of your life as you would have it be. A scene with you living in a dream fulfilled. Count your vision as done as you Close with And so it is! or Ase', Amen, Aho! or Namaste. Rest. Observe your dreams and beautiful shifts in your "waking" life. think. Be ENTIRELY well!