- Yellow Lotus Wisdom School
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- Yellow Lotus Wisdom School
- Yellow Lotus Wisdom School
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- Yellow Lotus Wisdom School
Introducing! Sacred Self Care Goddess
Osun's Unapologetic and Decolonized Sacred Self Care for Blissful Feminine Living
This Luxurious Course
Is Facilitated by yours truly. I am an Initiated Priestess of Osun in Indigenous Nature based Goddess Spirituality. Yogini, Certified Bodywaorker, Yoni-Womb Wellness Coach, Sacred Love,Divine Femininity and Self Care Practitioner and Guide, Developer of FemBodyBliss and Golden Womb Sacred Touch and Womb Massage.
Why a Sacred Self Care Goddess Course? (SSCG)
Because even our way of approaching Self Caries from a patriarchal and capitalist perspective.