•  Urban Soul Yogini  

    Wellness, Mindfulness and Heartfullness, Soft Skills Solutions toward Engaging your Divine Feminine Community

    (Staff, Faculty, Participants and Alumnist)

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  • Divine Feminine/ Women's Wellness and Creativity

    Inviting WellBeing, Creativity and Relaxation

    Cultivating a restorative retreat inviting to the Divine Feminine.

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    Waistbead Party

    Cultural Enrichment and Creativity engagement

    up to 50 participants

    Opening Circle/ Meditation Discusion Learning about the Cultural Significance of Adornment, Cultivating Sacredness and Creativity, making and wearing waistbeads.

    Fun Music and Discussion prompts while crafting

    Assistance with style and creativity

    Strand Blessing and installation

    Closing Circle

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    FemBodyBliss Sensual WombYoga

    Awakening Divine Femininity Cultivating Self Esteem and Increasing Body Positivity

    Opening Circle/ Inviting Sacredness

    Discusion Learning about the Cultural Significance of Yoga/ Sacred Movement/ Cultivating Divine Femininity

    Fun Soulful Music

    Cool Down

    Closing Circle

  • Investment/ Pricing

    Waistbeadmaking Party


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    approximately 3hours

    you provide the supplies

    Opening Circle/ Meditation Discusion Learning about the Cultural Significance of Adornment, Cultivating Sacredness and Creativity, making and wearing waistbeads.

    Fun Music and Discussion prompts while crafting

    Assistance with style and creativity Strand Blessing and installation

    Closing Circle


    Waistbeadmaking Party

    All inclusive

    up to 50 participants
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    includes all supplies

    quality class beads

    Semiprecious crystaland stones

    Crafting matts

    Opening Circle/ Meditation Discusion Learning about the Cultural Significance of Adornment, Cultivating Sacredness and Creativity, making and wearing waistbeads.

    Fun Music and Discussion prompts while crafting

    Assistance with style and creativity Strand Blessing and installation

    Closing Circle


    Sensual WombYoga

    Creative, Wellness and Cultural Enrishment

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    approximately 2hours
    You provide yoga mats or padded surface

    Opening Circle/ Inviting Sacredness

    Discusion Learning about the Cultural Significance of Yoga/ Sacred Movement/ Cultivating Divine Femininity

    Fun Soulful Music

    Cool Down

    Closing Circle

  • Soft Skills Trainings

    Whats Love (and Inner Work) got to do with it? Turns out, Everything. In these trainings, we explore how Awareness of our Inner Landscape and Loving Principles and Tools can not only make for a sweeter life but an actual authentically peaceful workplace.

    Soft Skils Trainings are offered in a 3 session series and can be customized. Each session is approximately 90min

    Series $750 and up (if more sessions are desired)

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    The Head

    Inner Love and Leadership

    Effective Heartful Self Mastery that translates to Good Leadership. Self Awareness, Self Talk, Heartful Communication skills, Recognizing Pain and fear, staying off the field of death

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    The "I" in Team Inner Love and Self Mastery

    Working effectively as a team first requires Self Awareness, Self Management and Self Mastery

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    The Dream Team:

    From Group Dynamics to the Dynamic Group

    The Dream team/ Dynamic Group is an assembly of Effective, Competent, Self Aware, Empowered and Masterful Individuals that aligned and working in harmony toward a shared vision. Tools, Vision, Principles, Strategy

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    Sacred Self Care Practices

    Cut Depression, Anxiety and Mania before they get started. Learning about and employing Self Care practices as a lifestyle.

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    Yogini Mahaliya Dara MAAT Lotus Osundalini Om (Kenya)

    (Your Facilitator, Speaker, Presenter, Trainer)


    From the Indigenous Peoples of the Maharim Tribe of Turtle Island and the Nubian people of Earth. Initiated Priestess of Osun and Oya in an Ancient Indigenous Nature Based System of Goddess Spirituality, Certified Womb/Fertility Massage Therapist, Hetheru and Kemetic Yoga Instructor (400hr), Astrologer, Yoni~Womb Wellness Practitioner and Educator, Developer and Facilitator of FemBodyBliss Sensual Womb Vinyasa Practice, Reiki Attuned, Sacred Space Activator specializing in Women's Healing & Empowerment, Sacred Movement and Ancestral Healing,

    Developer of Introspective Love Work


    My Work is in applying Indigenous Wisdom and Practical Feminine Mysticism to reAwaken and reInvigorate the Love Goddess and Yogini within. To bring those I serve closer to living the truth of the Self as Soulforce Being by providing an atmosphere and a system ( complete with products and services) which aid in removing barriers to Love and Inner Peace.

  • Faculty Wellness Retreats

    Mindfulness, Relaxation, Team Building and Enrichment

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    Kemetic Soul Yoga

    The Healing Power of Movement, Breath, Focus and Balance

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    The Power of Creativity:

    Crafting, Play and Manifestation

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    Heartfulness Circles

    The healing Power of Connection: Practicing Openess, Transparency, Vulnerability, Acceptance

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    The Healing Power of Conciousness: Visioning, Meditation, Focus

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    Sound Bathing

    The Healing Power of Sound and Vibration: Relaxing and experiencing a sound bath as well as using instruments to create sound together. (includes Sacred Singing Circle.)

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    Soulful Plant- based Meals

    The Healing Power of High Vibrational Nourishment

    (Maybe with Pescatarean options)

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    Engaging Workshops

    Cutting edge processes and protocols in Manifesting Ones dreams and in inspiring and engaging your partcipants.

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    Sacred Sunset Circle

    Daily Opportunity to come together and connect and decompress

  • BiWeekly or Monthly Staff Wellness Days

    Inviting WellBeing, Creativity and Relaxation into the workplace

    Recreating a restorative retreat in certain spaces within the building, inviting the extraordinary.

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    Soothing Props 

    Swinging, Rocking etc are known to increase endorphins/ feelings of peace and joy

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    Craft/ Play

    Coloring Mandalas, making jewelry, making aromatherapy blends, playing group or individual games.

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    Fun Lunch

    Something other than what they might have for lunch on a regular day.

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    Through Guided Mediation, Yoga and Dance

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    Chair Massage, Energy Work, Sound Bath

  • Alumni Engagement Enrichment Workshops

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    Love Technology, Inner Peace & Self Mastery

    A brief presentation to be shared at an Alumni meeting

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    Inner Love Circles

    Heartfulness and Emotional Empowerment Circles using the keys, principles and process of Introspective Love Work

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    Womb Circles

    Specifically for Women to learn about and to discuss principles and topics relevant to Feminine and Womb Vitality

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    Kemetic Soul Yoga  

    Practice Kemetic Soul Yoga to our Favorite Soul Music.

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    Couples' Circles 

    Group Heartfulness and Intimacy Coaching

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  • Vocational Training 

    Trainings in the Yoga, Inner Work, Wellness and Birthing Field 

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    Intuitive Energy Healer Training 

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    Inner Love Coach

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    Womb Wellness Practitioner 

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    Professional Astrologer  

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    Birth Doula

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    Health/ Wellness Coach

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    Yoga Instructor

  •  Inner Love Circles 

    The Introspective Love work that I’ve been practicing and now facilitating is truly bringing about what would seem like miraculous results in my life.

    The way many of us people of color in the diaspora are “set up” does not naturally or easily inspire success in love.

    Between the effects of Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder and the subsequent Internal strife within/ among our own families and tribes it’s no wonder our insides are in pieces.


    These sessions are designed to help each client see themselves clearly and experience their own power, while under a loving gaze.

    It’s not enough to just expect the powers that be to help us because we have to 1.) know how to wisely use the circumstances that are orchestrated for us and 2.) Need to have the Self Mastery to hold that Bliss and not erode it with our trauma responses.

    We must necessarily embark upon the Inner Work that helps us keep our end of the deal.

    Those I’m working with are experiencing that in the absence of the usual fear based behaviors and habits, LOVE is just present.

    We don’t have to make things we want happen, we just have to make the things we want welcome. 💛


    The process invloves the participants reading assigned love books and researching assigned inner landscape aspects. There are seasonal-ish assessments to ensure that the participants recieved something worthwhile that sticks with them.

    There are plenty lived experience to be discussed as well as a plethora of books and Inner Lanscape work to keep the circle going and full of fresh material for years.